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Time and time again professionals have told us how crucial mentorship has been to their success. And while it can be extremely valuable to have someone there to help guide your business endeavors, how much you gain from the relationship is really dependent on you. Here are three ways to make the most of mentorship, from Forbes

Do the seeking yourself

Southwest Florida has a wealth of retired CEOs and various industry experts, but they’re not likely going to approach you first. Conduct research on who’s in the area and when you think you’ve found the right person to help, let him or her know why you’d value his or her advice specifically.

Recognize the accelerators around you

Sometimes, the right mentor may be someone you already know—or are working for. If you like the way your employer’s CEO handles business and relationships, do your best to impress your immediate superior so he or she can put in a good word. If you really stand out, your superior may even go so far as to introduce the mentoring idea to the boss if it feels like a good fit.

Remember you get what you give

You can’t count on your mentor to invest in you if you don’t show initiative. Make it a point to work around his or her schedule and take on more tasks to show you’re serious. Further demonstrate your commitment by going above and beyond on projects—the more you put into the relationship, the more you’ll get back.

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