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Stressful situations—in and out of the office—are sometimes unavoidable. But that doesn’t mean they’re not manageable. Much relief can come from maximizing free time and preparing for the time ahead, says Travis Bradberry, Forbes contributor and co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0. Below are eight tips he suggests to minimize stress.


Even if your workweek is full, schedule some time over the weekend to get your heart-rate going in a positive way. It takes just 10 minutes to release stress-relieving neurotransmitters, and taking a light jog or hike can leave you feeling more energized to tackle other activities.

Resist too many chores

It’s easy for weekends to fill up with errands that couldn’t be fulfilled during the workweek, but be careful not to let too many chores pile up. It’s important to allow time to relax and reboot.


Disconnect from technology, especially email. By constantly accessing your messages, you’re still making yourself available when you’re off the clock. If logging on to your email account is a must, schedule specific times to do so and spend the rest of the time detached.

Bring out your passion

Give yourself a mental break by indulging in an activity you love, whether it’s reading, writing, painting or playing ball. Doing so can activate creativity and inspire new ideas.

Make time for family

Set aside time for longer moments with loved ones that can’t be done during the weekdays. Reconnect with your family at the park, movies, or even over a nice dinner. Leave the phones at home for even better conversation.

 Take mini-adventures

No time for a long getaway? No problem. Research events that may be happening in your neighboring city that you can hop in your car and go to, or just plan to buy tickets for that concert or play you heard about in town.

Wake up at the same time

Set your alarm for the same time even on the weekends to avoid feeling extra groggy come Monday. Sleeping in may sound nice, but inconsistent rest patterns can aggravate your mind and body. Take that extra time in the morning to meditate, relax with a cup of coffee, or do any of the above suggestions.

Prepare for what’s ahead

Avoid feeling rushed at the beginning of your workweek by taking a few minutes over the weekend to plan for the upcoming week. Set aside just 30 minutes to choose your outfit and/or meals for the next day, and review your calendar for future meetings and projects.

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