Geraldo F. “Jerry” Olivo III



Litigation Attorney/Stockholder

Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.

Raised in Southwest Florida, Jerry Olivo graduated from law school in 2008. Now a stockholder at Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A, his strength as an attorney and a leader, he said, stems from advice from a former supervisor.

“A boss once told me he would never ask me to do something that he wasn’t willing to do himself. That statement became the foundation for my leadership style, and it guides me to this day,” Olivo says. “My practice focuses primarily on defending law enforcement agencies, municipalities and private businesses. My job is to use my varied legal experience to guide my clients through the litigation process. That’s where my prior experience as both a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney is invaluable.”

Olivo serves the community through several organizations, including United Way and the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. With Olivo serving as the chairman in 2021, the Henderson Franklin United Way committee increased fundraising by 8% over the previous year and set the firm’s fundraising record. As a member of the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools’ Golden Apple Selection Committee, he has recognized the community’s best and brightest teachers.