Jessica Perez



Selection Process and Alumni Coordinator

Champions For Learning

Born and raised in Naples, Jessica Perez said her personal mission statement is to help others, contribute to the community and be happy. However, working with school counselors to help local families in need of scholarships in her role at Champions For Learning is personal to Perez, as she lived the same experience.

“I grew up in a low-income family, got pregnant very young and dropped out of school. I know the personal struggle families go through trying to obtain an education,” she says. “I learned to have the willingness to keep learning and to not be afraid of starting over. Getting an education has always been my passion. I was determined to finish school, get a technical degree and ultimately get a college degree to serve the community.”

Perez noted that helping others and contributing to the community is what makes her happy, and she has supported the Naples Children and Wine Festival as part of its security and registration team for the last four years. She has also volunteered at Naples Church and Backstage Dance Academy, served as a youth cheerleading coach and worked with the PTO at her children’s school.