Matt Sellick




Stock Development Corporation

Originally from Stuart, Florida, Matt Sellick was always drawn to the home building and construction business. After graduation from Florida State University, Sellick accepted a position as a superintendent at Stock Development and began learning the business. But, though he’s now president of Stock’s building divisions, along the way, Sellick also learned about building relationships.

“My mentor, Brian Stock, instilled in me that you are only as good as your people. Surround yourself with good people and you will be successful. This is something that has stuck with me to this day and something I will continue to do throughout my career,” Sellick says. “I learned the value of a strong organizational culture and a commitment to excellence. My goal is to continuously elevate the team and the quality of the homebuilding experience they deliver to customers.”

Sellick currently serves as president and a board member of the Collier Building Industry Association, or CBIA, and mentors FGCU students in construction and related career paths. In addition, he raised $250,000 for the construction of the Golisano Children’s Hospital in gratitude for their work with his son, who was born prematurely.